12 mars 2025
peter stakenborg from neeroeteren wins 1st golden as speed herbots championship 2024
At the beginning of the season, Peter Stakenborg's racing team performed at a very high level. In the East Region in the province of Limburg, he impressed his competitors. These pigeons made preparations for national ace pigeons after the racing season. This gave Peter a great winter because no less than 6 national ace pigeons in the top 30 on the speed, 3 between place 30 and 40 and on top of that 3 x gold at provincial level. As if that wasn't enough, he won 1st Golden Ace speed in our Herbots Championship with prizes that only count per 100 and because of this only the best pigeons compete against each other. Unfortunately, Peter's cherry was not in the field of national champion, he was in first place for a long time but after the complaints period he had to settle for place 2. He has never stood on the highest podium nationally. In total he has already achieved 35 national mentions since 2000. A strong and unique record of achievements where we really wish him the highest place, it is a bit like Wout Van Aert in cycling who gets a lot of sympathy from the people but also wants to achieve that big victory. Maybe they will both strike in 2025 …
Grand cru season 2024
1 Prov Ace Pigeon speed old KBDB Limburg
1 Prov Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB Limburg
1 Prov Champion speed old KBDB Limburg
1 Golden As Speed Herbots Championship
1 Champion speed old and yearlings Herbots Championship
1 Ace Pigeon speed Herbots Championship
2 Ace Pigeon speed Herbots Championship
2 Prov Champion speed yearlings KBDB Limburg
2 Prov Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB Limburg
2 Nat Champion speed old / yearlings KBDB
2 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB (subject to change due to place 1)
3 Champion speed young KBDB Limburg
5 Nat Ace Pigeon speed old KBDB
5 General Champion KBDB Limburg
11 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB
13 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB
29 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB
Widowers are his favorite game
In the widowers' loft there are 5 sections. There are 2 lofts that are open and then 1 loft where most cocks are sitting that is alone. There are 4 lofts with heating plates and 1 loft where nothing is hanging. If you look at this now after the season, there are 4 of the 5 national ace pigeons in the loft where none are hanging and one (180/22) in the other loft. I only use these plates in very humid weather, a cold flight and after a bath. If they get a bath I first give the pigeons that do not have a heating plate because these need the most time to wear.
Striking detail, if the pigeons get a very cold night the night before basketing I also use the plates to get as little fluctuation as possible between day and night. But I have no opinion about the conclusion between pigeons with or without, apart from what I have determined here in my own loft.
In the winter my widowers do winter breeding and the better pigeons are allowed to lay twice, I immediately move their eggs so that I still have 4 youngsters that I can test. After that, care is taken that the hen does not lay anymore when the youngsters are grown. On March 1st they are then paired again and are allowed to brood for 2 to 3 days and then the widowhood can start. The racing pigeons sit on grids from which the manure is removed just before the racing season and is not touched afterwards, the boxes themselves are cleaned twice a week and an annual major cleaning is not an issue here. The lofts are good and dry so why would I change that.
In terms of training, the pigeons trained fantastically at home in 2024 and it was a pleasure to see them fly. They were playful birds in the air but they were very energetic. Which is of course what we all want to see. The windows remain closed for the first half hour and then they are opened. They easily keep themselves busy for an hour and this spring they have already been training for an hour. They then fly 4 times a week, from Monday to Thursday morning. In the weekend the pigeons fly 1 flight per weekend.
After the breeding period, the pigeons are given 1 week of rest mixture from Matador and start training again from 1 February. Afterwards I give Premium Vandenabeele Beyers at the beginning of the week (Monday and Tuesday), on Wednesday this is 50% Premium Vandenabeele Beyers and 50% Sport Galaxy Beyers and from Thursday 100% Sport Galaxy. The pigeons are fed twice a day in a shared food bowl and if the pigeons leave some small things after their evening meal, it is fine for me. When they come home, it is 50% Premium Vandenabeele Beyers and 50% Sport Galaxy Beyers and they get electrolytes in the drinking water. I also use the electrolytes when basketing and certainly when the weather is warm.
During training I use a good training school for both old and young pigeons. The pigeons are trained a few times close by and from 11km I train them 1 by 1. This is a wake-up call for the old pigeons to set their radar correctly again and for the young pigeons you quickly teach them to fly alone. Because they have to do this in competitions too. The young pigeons may be a bit scared the first time, but that is not bad. Once they understand this they learn a lot.
When basketing I use varying motivation, they are allowed to be together or sometimes 2 hens in the loft or the pigeons are not allowed to be together but can see each other. You have to offer the pigeons a bit of variation so that it remains exciting for them too. After the flight they are usually allowed to stay together for 2 hours and then they are separated. An important detail here is that the widow hens are not raced but sit in a separate aviary on rollers. This is to prevent the hens from mating with each other and really staying eager to mate with their cock. When the hens are shown at basketing, they are taken away again and I put them back in the aviary to go and get them again the next morning. It takes some work, but it pays off.
In the spring, the pigeons were given a 5-day cure against tricho and 2 days something against the airways. Now, after 6 weeks of season, I gave them another pill against tricho last Sunday based on herbs together with a yellow drop in the beak.
The vaccinations for my racing pigeons are the following, this spring they were given one against paramyxo, pox and paratyphoid. For the young pigeons, the rota vaccination is a very important one.
Toppers of the season 2024
BE 22-5087180 Blue white feather Cock
1 Prov Ace pigeon speed old KBDB Limburg 2024
1 Golden As Speed Herbots Championship 2024
1 Ace pigeon Speed Herbots Championship 2024
5 Nat Ace pigeon speed old KBDB 2024
1 Dizy 165p
2 Mettet 966p
3 Laon 2.630p
3 Chimay 2.460p
4 Mettet 625p
5 Mettet 916p
9 Mettet 1.957p
13 Laon 2.173p
13 Chimay 1.383p
20 Vervins 2.257p
Father BE 15-2209269
Won himself 2 Prov Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2016 – 10 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2016 and 14 Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2018
Won in total 16 x per 100
Gr.F. BE 13-5148534 Louis Ceyssens
Won himself 1/1,463p – 1/487p – 1/145p – 1/125p
Son of “996/10” Top breeder x “635/12” Daughter 3 Ace Pigeon speed KBDB
Gr.M. BE 13-5148562 Blue – Tom Cartuyvels
Daughter of “812/09” De Jo x “157/11” Sister 68 14 x 1/100 Stakenborg
Mother BE 18-5124724 Guido Franssen
Gr.F. BE 06-5078354 Guido Franssen
Won himself 1 Prov Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2009 – 3 Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2009
Grandfather of “Johny” 1 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2009
Gr.M. BE 15-2265807 Guido Franssen
The best yearling is a full brother of this crack. This is a great breeding couple.
Below we put the pictures of this great couple.
5 brothers were raced and they all flew a first prize regionally in 2024.
Two brothers flew on 28/4 1 and 1 of 1,595 pigeons, the week after they won 1 and 2 of 2,257 pigeons.
The 1st and 2nd provincial ace pigeon speed yearlings KBDB Limburg 2024 are 2 nest brothers of each other and another brother “180/22” wins with the old in 2024. What a dominance of this family.
BE 23-5047360 Blue Cock
1 Prov Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB Limburg 2024
2 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB 2024 (subject to change due to 1st place)
1 Laon 1.803p
1 Mettet 685p
4 Laon 2.630p
5 Chimay 2.460p
7 Mettet 1.733p
7 Mettet 916p
8 Chimay 2.305p
11 Mettet 1.957p
12 Chimay 903p
17 Vervins 1.598p
18 Chimay 817p
46 Chimay 1.301p
His nest brother BE 23-5047359 became 29 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB 2024.
He also became 2nd Prov Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB Limburg 2024.
These are breeding couples that are very thin on the ground in our pigeon country
He won the following results
1 Chimay 903p
1 Chimlay 121p
1 Mettet 119p
5 Chimay 1.178p
5 Laon 526p
6 Laon 761p
7 Mettet 685p
15 Chimay 1.595p
28 Chimay 2.685p
BE 23-5047257 Blue Cock
11 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB 2024
2 Chimay 500p
4 Laon 1.803p
5 Laon 761p
7 Vervins 1.598p
10 Chimay 1.595p
10 Chimay 1.178p
11 Chimay 2.684p
Father BE 15-2209345 Jason
Won himself 14 x per 100
Gr.F. BE 07-5195267 Etienne Stassen
Son of “BE 99-78” 2 x 4th Prov Ace Pigeon KBDB x “BE 01-220”
Gr.M. BE 13*5091998 Checkered – Vranken Davy
Daughter of “BE 08-664” Karel Boeckx x “BE 12-965” Stakenborg
Mother BE 17-5067442 Louis Ceyssens
Super breeding hen
Mother of “192/18” 1 / 2,162p – 1/1,892p
Grandmother of “889/20” 30 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2020
Great-grandmother of “166/22” 9 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2023
Gr.F. BE 10-5014996 Louis Ceyssens
Gr.M. BE 12-508635 Louis Ceyssens
Daughter of “BE 10-118” 2 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2012 x “BE 08-603”
BE 23-5047260 Cock
13 Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB 2024
1 Chimay 1.595p
2 Vervins 2.257p
3 Mettet 916p
4 Mettet 685p
11 Chimay 1.178p
19 Mettet 1.443p
27 Laon 1.803p
Full brother of “346/23” 1/2.257p – 1/1.595p
Father BE 20-5097937 Franske – Gert Rondags
Won himself 2 x 1st – 3 x 2nd
Gr.F. BE 19-5098755 Grandson Martine
Son of “BE 15-464” x “BE 16-648” Daughter Martine
Gr.M. BE 16-2270613 Sister Martine
“Martine” won 3rd Nat Ace Pigeon M.D. KBDB
Mother BE 20-5098069 Sister of “Speedy Girl”
1st Prov Ace Pigeon KBDB 2016
Gr.F. BE 14-2013581 Red Kittel
Son of “BE 12-819” x “BE 11-202” Blue
Gr.M. BE 13-5075850 Pale
Daughter of “BE 12-982” 1st of 692p x “BE 08-909” Sister Poulidor
Also among the youngsters there was already a top pigeon that classified among the national ace pigeons. The racing team for the current season has been seriously adjusted. Several national ace pigeons have been sent to the breeding loft to ensure rejuvenation and only 1 national ace pigeon of the old and yearlings will be raced next season. But that certainly does not prevent Peter from going for it with full enthusiasm.
We are pleased to introduce the top pigeon of the young pigeons. This is a hen and will also have a place in the breeding loft because no yearlings or old hens are raced here.
BE 24-5069290 Pale Hen
13 Nat Ace speed young birds KBDB 2024
In the ranking she achieves her results at local level.
She wins 1 Chimay 302p – 2 Chimay 485p – 2 Mettet 415p – 2 Mettet 258p – 2 Mettet 235p – 3 Chimay 385p.
Father BE 19-5057487 Topbreeder Ceyssens x Stakenborg
Gr.F. BE 13-5148534 Louis Ceyssens
Won 4 x 1st
Son of “BE 10-996” x “BE 12-635” Daughter 2 Nat Ace Pigeon speed KBDB 2012
Gr.M. BE 15-22092373 Super breeding hen and mother of 7 different 1st prize winners
Daughter of “BE 12-819” x “BE 11-202” Blue
Mother BE 16-2214781Top breeding hen and also mother of “133/22” 1st of 1,647p
Grandmother of “534/22” 18th Nat Ace Pigeon speed yearlings KBDB 2023
Gr.F. BE 08-5090161 Last son of stock father 071
Son of “BE 99-071” Stock father 071 x “BE 07-085” Ulrike Lemmens Hild
Gr.M. BE 12-5067485
Daughter of “BE 07-739” New Pouildor x “BE 05-627” Vandikkelen Hen
Peter, congratulations from the entire HERBOTS TEAM for these great results.
Buelens Kim
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